Standard configuration for your mobile

You want to surf, read your e-mails, update your Facebook status,... on the go? Then use our mobile Internet. This way you are online everywhere!

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To surf the Internet, your mobile must be correctly configured. Many mobile phone models are automatically configured when you first connect. If this is not the case, you have to enter the Scarlet APN settings in your mobile. Go to network settings, enter internet.bmbpartner.bed in the APN field; the login and password fields remain empty. For more information, please refer to the manual of your mobile.

We use the mobile network of Proximus. Proximus has the fastest 4G network, and our network already covers more than 97.85% of the population. With 4G, you can reach download speeds of 39 Mb/sec.

* Actual throughput may depend - without limitation - on coverage, proximity to a transmitter mast, geographic and climatological circumstances, and the device and software you are using.

If your mobile phone cannot find the Scarlet network after a stay abroad, it is recommended to switch off the mobile phone and then switch it on again. If this doesn't solve the problem, check if your network selection is set to automatic. Is your network selection already set to automatic? In this case, select the Scarlet network from the list.

Your text message settings are automatically activated when your card is activated.

If you still have problems sending text messages, check the number of the text message exchange in your mobile. To do this, consult your manual, the vendor or the manufacturer of your device to find out where to find this information.

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The number of the text message exchange of Scarlet Mobile is: +32 475 16 16 17.

A text message can consist of a maximum of 160 characters depending on your mobile device, there is a possibility to send up to 8 paired messages. The text message service is active by default when you are abroad.

When you first try to send a multimedia message or receive a multimedia message, Scarlet automatically sends the correct settings to your device.
You can send up to 300 KB of text, sound or video. The multimedia message service (MMS) is active by default when you are abroad.

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