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I have a problem with my fixed phone: step by step

Follow the steps below.

  1. Does the DSL LED stay lit permanently on the modem?
    1. Yes
      Go to step 2.
    2. No
      Check your cablingOpens a new window .
      Still running into the issue? Get in touch with our customer service.
  2. Does the Phone light (1 or 2) stay on permanently on the modem?
    1. Yes
      Proceed to step 3.
    2. No
      Proceed to step 4.
      Still running into the issue? Get in touch with our customer service.
  3. Is the telephone connected to the Phone 1 port at the back of the modem? If you only have one phone, connect it to the Phone 1 port.
    1. No
      Connect the device to the Phone 1 port at the back of the modem and repeat the test.
      Still running into the issue? Go to step 4.
    2. Yes
      Proceed to step 4.
  4. Reboot your modem.
    1. Remove the power cable from the modem and plug it back in. Wait until all LEDs are lit again.
      Still running into the issue? Go to Step 5.
  5. Perform a factory reset on your modem.
    1. How to perform a factory reset on my modem?Opens a new window
    2. Please note: when you reset your modem, your wireless settings disappear. Click here to reconfigure your modem, computerOpens a new window and wireless devicesOpens a new window .

If you still run into the issue, check on MyScarlet in the Bills and Payments tab if any of your bills are unpaidOpens a new window . Your services may be blocked because of an outstanding bill.
If the issue remains after these checks, please contact usOpens a new window .