Unwanted calls & text messages
You receive threats or insulting text messages? Are you being harassed via your mobile phone? You frequently receive calls from an unknown number?
File a complaint with the police
If it is a question of insults, threats or fraud, we advise you to file a complaint with the police. The Ombudsman will open an investigation based on a request from the prosecutor. The police will ask you for the date and time of the malicious calls/SMS.
You only want to know the identity of the caller?
File a complaint with the Telecom Ombudsman. All the necessary information can be found here : http://www.mediateurtelecom.be/fr/plainte-relative-a-des-appels-malveillants.html?IDD=20&IDC=51
Never call back unknown numbers
Never answer calls from unknown numbers and certainly not if they come from abroad (for example, with the country code +176, +88 or +372). Do not call these numbers back under any circumstances. They are often fraudulent payphone numbers with very high rates, which can increase your bill.