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Why am I being charged for calls to fixed numbers in Belgium?

By default, calls during peak hours are charged. Peak hours are the hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To be able to make unlimited free calls during peak hours, you must activate the Free calls during peak hours option.

How do I activate the "Free calls during peak hours" option?
  • Log in to MyScarlet.
  • Click on the Home tab and scroll down to your fixed product.
  • Click on the Fixed telephony heading.
  • Click on the Telephony options button.
  • On the page that opens, select the Free calls during peak hours option and click on Next. The Free calls during off-peak hours option will be replaced.
  • Then complete the steps of your order. The option will be active within 2 hours.

Where can I find the usage details of a bill?Opens a new window