The LEDs of your Wi-Fi Booster v1

There are several visible light indicators on your Wi-Fi Booster v1.

Here's what they mean:

The Power indicator shows that your Wi-Fi Booster v1 is on. If it's off, check if the power cable is correctly connected and if the switch is in the On position.

Link Quality
If the Wi-Fi Booster is in Access Point mode, the indicator should be off.
However, if it's in any other mode, the indicator should be on. It indicates whether the Wi-Fi Booster is properly connected to Wi-Fi.

  • Green: signal is excellent.
  • Yellow: signal is not optimal.
  • Red: signal is weak.
  • Indicator off: no signal.

To solve this issue, simply move your Wi-Fi Booster closer to your b-box/Internet Box. If that's not possible, you can order a second Wi-Fi Booster to boost the signal.

Access Point
If the Wi-Fi Booster is in Station mode, the indicator should be off.
If it's in any other mode, the indicator should be on. If it's not, we recommend resynchronizing your devices.


This indicator shows the synchronization status of the Wi-Fi Booster with your b-box/Internet Box.
Most of the time, the indicator is off. However, if you press the WPS button on your Wi-Fi Booster and your b-box/Internet Box, the WPS lights will start blinking, indicating that your devices are syncing.

If the indicator is red, it means your Wi-Fi Booster is too far from your b-box/Internet Box. Move them closer and restart the synchronization.


  • The 2.4 and 5 lights will stay on when a device is connected to the Wi-Fi Booster.
  • The lights will blink when a device uses the Wi-Fi signal emitted by the Wi-Fi Booster.
  • If the lights remain off while you are close to your Wi-Fi Booster, your device is likely still connected to your b-box/Internet Box. Disable Wi-Fi on your device and re-enable it to connect to your Wi-Fi Booster.

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